Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS)

The Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) is an international collaborative effort initiated in 2005 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS) to 1-monitor, 2-improve and 3-harmonize the quality of observations from operational weather and environmental satellites of the Global Observing System (GOS).

Please find here the related GSICS documents.

Flowchart of the Global Observing System. CGMS leads to GOS, which splits into space-based (LEO, GEO satellites) and surface-based components. GSICS is linked to LEO and GEO satellites.

GSICS aims at ensuring consistent accuracy among space-based observations worldwide for climate monitoring, weather forecasting, and environmental applications.

This is achieved through a comprehensive calibration strategy which involves:

  • monitoring instrument performances
  • operational inter-calibration of satellite instruments
  • tying the measurements to absolute references and standards
  • recalibration of archived data

GSICS delivers calibration corrections needed for accurately integrating data from multiple observing systems into products, applications and services. GSICS contributes to the integration of satellite data within the WMO Integrated Global Observing Systems (WIGOS) and within the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO).

Online user registration to receive GSICS information

A messaging service has been set up to streamline GSICS communication with users.  

The details of the listserv subscription and unsubscription are below.  

  • To register: Send an e-mail to gccnewsletter-subscribeatlist [dot] woc [dot] noaa [dot] gov (gccnewsletter-subscribe[at]list[dot]woc[dot]noaa[dot]gov) with the word 'subscribe' in the subject line
  •  To unsubscribe from Mailing List: Send an e-mail to gccnewsletter-unsubscribeatlist [dot] woc [dot] noaa [dot] gov (gccnewsletter-unsubscribe[at]list[dot]woc[dot]noaa[dot]gov) with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject line